Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Ferrari situation in Japan

I love Ferrari. Actually I have one, F430, as you can see in the picture above. actually it's 4cm miniature though.

In Japan it's not so hard to own Ferrari. So you can see a lot of Ferraris in big cities like Tokyo. But I think it's ridiculous. I mean how can a 500 horsepower Ferrari be unleashed on small roads in Tokyo? In fact Ferraris in Tokyo run like donkeys, not like horses. Those people just want to show they can afford cars like Ferrari. They're just wankers.

But some of them deserve Ferrari, those who drive Ferrari to mountains or peaks. They alter their Ferraris so that the engines may sound even more beautiful. They know Japanese roads are too small for 300km/h Ferraris. Instead they make their Ferraris sound higher and sharper. They really sound like music in soprano.

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